Case Study

Project Management Assurance

The Challenge

Due to the lack of clarity in roles and responsibilities, multiple sources of requests, siloed teams and absence of transparency of processes and key information there was a difficulty in consolidating data, reviewing outcomes and considering the purpose of key objectives. Often work was duplicated or not produced in the most efficient way. Teams did not communicate or follow the same processes.

Engaged & Working as one

Our solution

We advised our client to allow agentiv to position a Project Management Assurance specialist to take a step back and understand the key objectives and how best to position project support for delivery teams. We standardised process, consolidated information gathering in areas such as finances, risks, delivery plans and updates. We extended by opening up a common channel of communication between delivery teams and their business stakeholders, allowing technical, project and business teams to focus on ensuring the value they had committed to delivering was achieved. Common templates and standardised processes with clear scope meant that information was readily available in a format ready for project stakeholders.

Our Impact

Team members feel more engaged and operate as one team. Delivery is the focus with realised benefits to the business being the primary objective working to achieve the business value case. Financial tracking is maintained with accuracy providing confidence in planning. The visibility of risks and key updates are readily available for all levels of stakeholders.