Case Study

Optimising a Financial Report for an Energy Company

The Challenge

One of agentiv’s Energy clients required a Power BI financial report that would consolidate data from 17 different ERP systems. The data was stored in an Azure Data Hub in databricks and contained over 20 billion rows of data. Poor performance meant the report took several minutes to load, display visuals and show interactive elements. agentiv had to optimise the performance of the report and ensure that all data elements were displayed >4 seconds.

High Performance Reporting

Our solution

The first step was to partition and organise the tables within databricks to optimise the database performance. Next, our team created views to vertically and horizontally filter the data to restrict the amount of processing required in Power BI. Managed aggregations and applied a traditional star schema in a composite model within Power BI to achieve the desired performance of >4 seconds per page.

Our Impact

The optimised reporting solution now performs >3 seconds, providing insights across the 17 different ERP systems in one consolidated view. This client has never achieved this level of performance before and allows the business to explore from a high-level P&L to document postings. Providing valuable insights to the business, improving decision-making leading to better outcomes.